""any high β, jfet input opamp with the same pinout can be substituted.""
版主: Jeff, Korping_Chang
β, Beta, or feedback attenuation factor in an op amp circuit
What is β, Beta, or feedback attenuation factor in an op amp circuit?
β is the ratio of the feedback signal to the output signal.
In a simple Inverting Amplifier configuration, ? is
β = Rin / (Rin + Rf)
Therefore, in a Unity Gain Inverter, β = 1/2. This would also
be true for a Gain of Two Non-inverting configuration.
See also: What is Loop Gain in an op amp circuit?
mlnaml 寫:請問Rf是指什麼呢?
markbroadcaster 寫:看原廠網頁上的說明, 這顆 DC Servo IC 原是用 TL-082. 當然你用 TL-072 是 OK 的.
只是我不懂, DC Servo 用不同的 OP IC 也會影響音色嗎??
你可以讓我們看看這個機子的電路圖嗎?? (主要是想看他是屬於 "正回授" Servo 線路還是 "負回授" Servo)
分享一下我的經驗, 我用在 DC Servo 的 OP IC 都是用 AD712 來直接代換 TL-072/082....
AD712 這顆很不錯~
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