an6550696 寫:我搜到的資料是~~最好連記憶體跟顯示卡也要盡量不要裝~~~
jangochas 寫:an6550696 寫:我搜到的資料是~~最好連記憶體跟顯示卡也要盡量不要裝~~~
chanlin 寫:音效卡 S/PDIF 訊號出來,接台黑或白豆腐 de-jitter ,再來一部 DAC 就搞定。
音效卡到 de-jitter 之間我曾用 Koka 鍍金大爛 "音頻線" 傳 S/PDIF 也沒啥不好的,
linus0419 寫:關於電腦內建的ac97...
千金為一聲 寫:是主板設計比較考量多媒體方面的要求。
很多高端OC超頻主板雖然用料及儘奢華,可還是常踫到個別配置下,會引入其它用電設備的噪聲,譬如USB, 鼠標,硬蝶等,所以音頻hifi應用是系統工程,包括到方方面面都要考量
an6550696 寫:那又有問題了......
chipzahoy 寫:A "proper" configuration is key for a computer transport to deliver reference level sound quality. A dedicated PC is just one of the baseline requirements. If you plan on surfing the internet, watching videos, or - god forbid - play games with that same computer, then forget about Hi-End SQ, be grateful if it produces CD quality sound. Contrary to popular belief, using a CAT as an integral part of a Hi-End audio system has nothing to do with convenience. Think about it, you are - should be, at least - building a system from ground up, which requires some knowledge, plenty of work, and nights of trial-and-error. For those seeking an easy, painless solution, just turn away and pick up a conventional, plug-and-play type CD player. You'd be much happier and satisfied that way.
lfc555 寫:chipzahoy 寫:A "proper" configuration is key for a computer transport to deliver reference level sound quality. A dedicated PC is just one of the baseline requirements. If you plan on surfing the internet, watching videos, or - god forbid - play games with that same computer, then forget about Hi-End SQ, be grateful if it produces CD quality sound. Contrary to popular belief, using a CAT as an integral part of a Hi-End audio system has nothing to do with convenience. Think about it, you are - should be, at least - building a system from ground up, which requires some knowledge, plenty of work, and nights of trial-and-error. For those seeking an easy, painless solution, just turn away and pick up a conventional, plug-and-play type CD player. You'd be much happier and satisfied that way.
I would like the "god forbid"
eddie0817 寫:chanlin 寫:音效卡 S/PDIF 訊號出來,接台黑或白豆腐 de-jitter ,再來一部 DAC 就搞定。
音效卡到 de-jitter 之間我曾用 Koka 鍍金大爛 "音頻線" 傳 S/PDIF 也沒啥不好的,
tiger888 寫:其實,電腦訓源我覺得就是方便,以前玩了一陣子,9632也用了幾個星期,總覺得還是缺少音場深度,最後還是靠好的D/A才解決的,前前後後再上頭也投資了六七萬了....現在是用CDP,電腦就當背景音樂了。
jjj121 寫:很同意chipzahoy兄的觀點
電腦汰換率那麼高, 不值得改東弄西, 所以就放輕鬆聽
數位輸出的部分, 就交給de-jitter box或高檔一點jitter處理能力強的dac
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